#OEWeek25 #Today #Soon "OEW@Campus Luzern – Offenheitskompetenzen als Grundlage für Open Education: Chancen und Umsetzung "
11:15 (UTC) Hosts: Campus Luzern
Join the Event https://tinyurl.com/22frq2tn
#OEWeek25 #Today #Soon "OEW@Campus Luzern – Offenheitskompetenzen als Grundlage für Open Education: Chancen und Umsetzung "
11:15 (UTC) Hosts: Campus Luzern
Join the Event https://tinyurl.com/22frq2tn
Reflecting on 5 years of pandemic/"post"-pandemic teaching...and still working on how to make #online discussions feel engaging and worthwhile! Here are my top three challenges facilitating online discussions - what are yours? #teachingonline #highered #onlineteaching
#OEWeek25 #Today #Soon "Persistence & Progress: Confronting Wikipedia’s gender imbalance (Wiki Education)"
17:00 (UTC) Hosts: Wiki Education
Join the Event https://tinyurl.com/24k4tk87
#OEWeek25 #Today #Soon "OEW@Campus Luzern – Auf dem Weg zu einer OER-Community: Einblicke
Stolpersteine und Chancen " 11:15 (UTC) Hosts: Campus Luzern
Join the Event https://tinyurl.com/25lelm9x
#OEWeek25 #Today #Soon "Publishing a Book with Pressbooks – An Introduction"
18:00 (UTC) Hosts: University of British Columbia
Join the Event https://tinyurl.com/28cfhb2r
#OEWeek25 #Today #Soon "Faculty Insights: Leveraging GenAI for Open Education at KPU"
17:00 (UTC) Hosts: Kwantlen Polytechnic University
Join the Event https://tinyurl.com/25cxdvkb
#OEWeek25 #Today #Soon "Wiki Loves Africa 2025 Contest Launch"
16:00 (UTC) Hosts: Wiki In Africa
Join the Event https://tinyurl.com/2ar2597w
38 representatives of 27 organizations (including 16 #NRENs) from 17 countries participated in the #FileSender Online #Infoshare on February 24, 2025. This #online gathering gave FileSender #community enthusiasts
the opportunity not just to listen in and be kept abreast of new developments and future plans, but also to contribute: present their views, exchange experiences and share expectations.
Details on https://filesender.org/filesender-online-infoshare-update-on-release-3-0-and-security-approach/
#OEWeek25 #Today #Soon "Optimiser la conception adaptative des Ressources Éducatives Libres (REL) avec l’IA"
12:30 (UTC) Hosts: Université de York
Join the Event https://tinyurl.com/2d6v6r36
“If there is a useful and relevant political science literature on the processes through which random social media memes are becoming the basis for dramatic changes in U.S. governmental structures and policies, I’d love to see it.”
- @himself.bsky.social reviews Chris Hayes’ new book on our dysfunctional attention economy
#OEWeek25 #Today #Soon "OEW@Campus Luzern – (Wie) Unterstützen Open Educational Resources Lehr- und Lernprozesse? "
11:15 (UTC) Hosts: Campus Luzern
Join the Event https://tinyurl.com/24mnpnn4
#OEWeek25 #Today #Soon "Creating Accessible OER and Course Materials: What Makes Content Accessible?"
18:30 (UTC) Hosts: University of British Columbia
Join the Event https://tinyurl.com/263eqetw
#OEWeek25 #Today #Soon "OEW@Campus Luzern – The Legal Framework of OER Usage in the Context of Artificial Intelligence"
11:15 (UTC) Hosts: Campus Luzern
Join the Event https://tinyurl.com/289fgcze
#OEWeek25 #Today #Soon "Podcasting as Open Pedagogy"
18:00 (UTC) Hosts: University of British Columbia
Join the Event https://tinyurl.com/234n9foe
#OEWeek25 #Today #Soon "Introducing Next Steps for U.S. National Coordination on Open Education"
18:00 (UTC) Hosts: Open Education Association Development Project
Join the Event https://tinyurl.com/268jzlqq
#English #Online #oeweek #oeglobal #openeducation #educationcelebration
I'm delighted to say that it's back! My month-long "Meet #TheLastMan" module with SPACE (Signum Portals for Adult Continuing Education) #online via #SignumUniversity is currently a candidate for June 2025. Voting runs through May 1. Early voters will help decide the scheduling of the live discussion sessions.
This #MaryShelley novel is one of the most relevant books we can read right now.
More info: https://blackberry.signumuniversity.org/space/modules/iteration/2011/
#OEWeek25 #Today #Soon "OEW@Campus Luzern – Offene Lehrbücher: Zwischen allen Stühlen?"
11:15 (UTC) Hosts: Campus Luzern
Join the Event https://tinyurl.com/27daghef
YouTube, when the walls fell - YouTube
#youtube #creator #anniversary #500 #videos #18 #years #retrospective #looking #forward #back #floatplane #nebula #corridor #digital #video #content #creation #online #platform #redundancy #off #community #guidelines #strike #warning #removal #moderation #sinevibes
#OEWeek25 #Today #Soon "Photography Basics For Wikimedia Commons"
16:00 (UTC) Hosts: Wiki In Africa
Join the Event https://tinyurl.com/28cycgxb
#English #Online #oeweek #oeglobal #openeducation #educationcelebration
#OEWeek25 #Today #Soon "Editing Wikiquote with the Wiki Loves Women team"
16:00 (UTC) Hosts: Wiki In Africa
Art and Feminism
Join the Event https://tinyurl.com/288k6mdf
#English #Online #oeweek #oeglobal #openeducation #educationcelebration