オンラインくじ「Pickzy(ピクジー)」にて「FE名古屋 オンラインくじ Vol.2」の販売が決定! | ファイティングイーグルス名古屋 #book #books #書籍
lol so i think the author either made a mistake about her own canon or maybe something else is afoot the main character now ckaims to have helped apprehend"a dozen" killers but last book it was "dozens" of killers yikes theres quite a big difference there who onows msybe its plot related??? #book #bookstodon 医学書院の書籍購入者限定・医師/薬剤師対象のセミナー 「令和時代の診療アップデート法」を4月5日オンライン開催 | 株式会社医学書院 #book #books #書籍 【BOOKS】「お城の値打ち」(新潮新書)多数の城が消えた理由、史実無視の再建、近年の復元事情……社会の「鏡」としての城 香原斗志さん著 – 美術展ナビ #book #books #書籍
well during this eight year time jump, thisvfamily has gotten even more nauseatingly religious#book #bookstodon
A FEMINIST SURVIVAL THRILLER captures the tough existence of off-the-grid life in the Arizona desert, and the ways people of integrity stand up against brutality. Grim and cathartic. SOLID B 新NISA 2年目の教科書 | 日経BOOKプラス #book #books #書籍
Biblio File column!
“The Goddess & The Pig” by Karen Gilden
Please subscribe to my free "Barnetto" newsletter:
I mildly recommend The Forever War by Nick Bryant #book #books #bookreview
South Korean First time Hit: Kim Young Tak - Bone soup (1 & 2) or Gomtang
A interesting setting in a future with timetravel and a promising ‚realistic‘ world setting?
oh nooo now in book seventeen we lose a long time likeable character rip wally!#book#books #bookstodon
Thanks to Brian Bowyer for taking the time to read & review "Office Hours," one of the sci-fi/horror hybrids found in my latest release "8: Tales of The Big Men from The Nod/Wells Timelines."
BTW: "Sinister Mix" is a great place to start with his works.
To the Harry Potter fans...
There are a lot of things in the first 2 books that are never mentioned again, like zombies and vampire. There are also plot holes throughout the story.
I know that the author could not have predicted where the story would go while writing the first book or two.
But, I wonder if anyone would be interested in an update that removes the ideas that abandoned after the first book or should it all be left alone. 個人勢ストリーマーKamitoが書籍を刊行 Kamitoになるまでを綴るエッセイ – KAI-YOU #book #books #u3076u3044u3059u307du3063uff01 #u30b9u30c8u30eau30fcu30deu30fc #書籍 【祝・書籍刊行】障害者雇用を続けて7年半!フローレンススタッフが綴る、「障害者が輝く職場づくり」とは? | Florence News | 認定NPO法人フローレンス #book #books #書籍
#Saturday's Top 3 #Reviews on #damppebbles...
Calling WPC Crockford by Ruth D'Alessandro
What Lies Between Us by John Marrs
You Are Fatally Invited by Ande Pliego