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@jimgroom is awesome, not a word I use often. Solved my to problem today in this thread:

This post starts on my blog and hopefully gets to mastodon via

@johnjohnston now we have to test if still works with Cloudflare dns proxy turned back on. Let me know when you are ready and I’ll turn the proxy back on

@jimgroom week there are two things to test. Publishing & connecting. If you turn the proxy back on I'll test the publish this evening. I'll try to work out how to test the connection...

@johnjohnston Sounds good, I'll turn it back on now, and you let me know if things go south

_In reply to

@jimgroom Posting from my blog to is working fine. Now replying with the indieblocks plugin &

@jimgroom @taylorjadin well from WordPress you can post to both via and some other services if you like.
There are the ones I've enabled.

@johnjohnston @taylorjadin Right now the ds106radio webhook goes right to Twitter, so it would need to be from Twitter to mastodon unless we re-rig it. I think webhooks for Mastodon native to Azuracast are coming, so this is a temporary work around.

@jimgroom @taylorjadin the radio posts I've seen here today look a lot tidier than some twitter x-posts I certainly appreciate that.