I installed matomo on https://rainfall.dev, and it looks like I'm getting about 1-3 website hits per week.
Surely there must be more artists, musicians and bands out there that want to create a Faircamp website?
Maybe there is some critical bug or problem that I don't know about? If you've tried the site, I appreciate any and all feedback.
I definitely had fun building it, but I also put an awful lot of work into making it professional, bug free, and easy to use. Would love for more people to check it out!
Der #KOReader ist meine #FOSS App der Wahl auf allen meinen E-Ink-Geräten. Ja, die Lernkurve ist am Anfang steil, aber nach einer Weile kann man sich an all den vielen Einstellungen wie Ligaturen, Kerning usw. erfreuen.
Mein Killer-Feature ist der direkte Export meiner Anstreichungen direkt in #Joplin.
#Cloudflare Accused of Blocking Niche Browsers
The Fediverse is public and can be archived by bots and AIs for years. The Quiet Public and Followers-only privacy settings keep your account timeline tidy but won't help privacy. All "@"-only messages are stored unencrypted.
Mastodon is privacy-aware but fraudsters, hackers and adversaries can still study and use your posts against you.
FOSS does not imply private or safe to use. Never share sensitive content on a Fediverse server!
Wow! Thank you so much for adding so many events to // foss.events, making it a reliable source for everyone looking for FOSS events in Europe <3
And if you still miss an event (especially in the still empty areas of UK, France, Italy, Greece, Scandinavia and everything East of Brodnica/ Novi Sad) don't hesitate and add your event now!
I have two book recommendations for #FOSS & #Opendata enthusiasts especially to widen your perspective of it beyond technical aspects.
1. Think Like A Commoner by David Bollier
2. Knowledge as Commons by Prabir Purkayasta
As commoners we should think beyond the logic of Capitalism else we will / we have only become unpaid workers to all the capitalist enterprises big or small who appropriate the value from commons which we all collectively create.
@waystation writing good documentation is a skill and requires either talent and excitement or lots of practice. There’s also a required feedback loop from consumers of documentation. Ideally people help with that for #FOSS but documentation changes are frequently another point of conflict IME
If #OpenSource fanatics were 10% as good at writing easy to understand documentation as they are talking down to anyone not on their programming level, #FOSS would spread across the country. But they got to be closed minded about it.
And no, reply guy, I am not interested in the free "seminar" that is really just 20 hours of you on youtube.
I want to deGoogle a little.
What I'd like to set up is a simple next cloud/own cloud server that I can access from outside my home and automatically back up my photos. With a backup off site daily. Id also like to create accounts for a family to backup phones and be able to share documents with friends. I have about 90% of the skills I need to do this but need a good set of tutorials to follow.
Who do you recommend?
#foss #tech #homelab
@Daojoan Don't just believe in the words, scan with #FOSS tool https://themarkup.org/blacklight by @themarkup :)
Latest FOSS Academic Post: My workflow, 2025 edition:
In which I discuss chasing the FOSS Academic Lifestyle Dream, a world in which an academic can get all their work done using free and open source tools. And not just coding! I'm talking about humanities writing, interview methods, sharing work on the fediverse, and so much more.
Every. Stinking. Time. lol
Anuto TD always wipes the floor with me at level 73.
Video from the same game on #Loops:
Direct video link for command-line enjoyment: https://loopsusercontent.com/videos/80575218996875264/127389436196260138/IhTwtGxH2arxw17jgGa67QV9FU7DZwu9JWfvDB5I.720p.mp4 ;)
Does anyone know if there is a way to turn my Mastodon feed into some sort of RSS feed or otherwise?
I use a #FOSS dashboard called Glance to collect my feeds and website - I have Mastodon linked currently, but, would love to make a feed from two of the lists I've created so I can quickly take a quick look at them.
@FediTips not sure if you know of a way?
How browsers REALLY load Web pages
When browsers load a Web page and its subresources, A LOT happens under the hood. They need to take into account render/parsing blocking resources, use a preload scanner, listen to resource hints (like preload/preconnect), loading modifiers (async/defer/module), fetchpriority, responsive images, and much more. […]