@creating #tdc4808 My response for today's #ds106 #DailyCreate
Robert Cornelius (1809 -1893) "... is credited with taking the first selfie. This self-portrait was created using the daguerreotype process, which required a long exposure time of about 10 to 15 minutes."
1839 photo from Library of Congress, and then tossed through a few filters for artistic effect
"The First Selfie -- October 1839" flickr photo by JFGryphon https://flickr.com/photos/30484128@N03/54218592154 shared into the public domain using (CC0)
#tdc4808 #ds106 Colorize a Photo with a Silly Color
We have never have enough color names! Check out this list of Crazy Color Names. Pick one that appeals to you and colorize a photo with it (if you need help try the Many Tools Colorize Images). Show us your color! [caption id="attachment_17696" align="aligncenter" width="580"] The Canyon is so... tan! Modified from "What a View" flickr photo by cogdogblog https://flickr.com/photos/cogdog/344384924 shared into the public domain using (CC0)[/caption] Tweet your response to @creating and be […]