Why I Care So Much About the Fediverse by Ayo Ayco (@ayo) | https://ayos.blog/why-fediverse/
Gottfrid Svartholm one of the co-founders of the pirate bay website, at his work station.
How browsers REALLY load Web pages
When browsers load a Web page and its subresources, A LOT happens under the hood. They need to take into account render/parsing blocking resources, use a preload scanner, listen to resource hints (like preload/preconnect), loading modifiers (async/defer/module), fetchpriority, responsive images, and much more. […]
I have been beating my head on trying to get Flask-SocketIO to work with an existing #flask app and accept connections from a third-party origin.
I get 400 errors because the socket closes before a connection can be made. I've disabled CORS (local-only network) and have double checked that every library is compatible. Serving a websocket route from the app works, but it will not other hosts.
Anyone with experience able to take a look at a repo or offer insight?
Why does it have to be that…
“To use the Mastodon web application, please enable JavaScript.”
I think I dug a hole for myself in the #webdev class again.
I offered groups a chance to build what they wanted using any skills/tools we've used so far this year.
One group was to build a chat app (websockets), so they need a server.
Two other groups want to make, essentially, CRUD apps, so I need to write up some DB schemas for them.
I'm wondering if it'd be better to teach them some Node and they write up their _own_ server-side code.
Today, #webdev students were invited to create their own project idea for the next couple weeks. It was _crazy_ - so many good ideas flying around.
One group is doing a review system for local places.
Another wants a chat app (they'll need to learn how to use websockets)
Another group is creating an informational site on baking
A fourth is tackling a simple game using P5.js.
So many good, skill-stretching ideas.
this is it, folks! we are in the final week before submissions are due for GOOD INTERNET, a new print periodical magazine about all the things that make the #web fun: things like the #smallweb, the fediverse, the #indieweb, and efforts to actively fight #enshittification. submissions are open until MARCH 15.
check the submission guidelines or sign up for email alerts to be notified when we publish in may!
if this is your first time hearing about this, you still have enough time to come up with and write an article or complete a digital #art piece, if you're passionate about the #internet and want to write about it! :) bloggers, it's your time to shine!~
i can't wait to show y'all the incredible stories that have been submitted from all over the 'net, and some of the coolest art i've seen about the web!
thank you to everyone who's been so supportive of this project already. this is why this side of the internet is amazing. please boost, if you can; i want to make sure i did everything i could to include as many diverse voices as i can.
thank you!
original post: https://tilde.zone/@xandra/113913277766098384
Sustainable Web Design: A Guide to Low-Carbon Websites With WordPress
What is it? How does it work? How does it affect your website, and what are the benefits?
This guide covers all of the key ingredients, as well as clear, concise information to help reduce the amount of carbon your website produces.
A few of the WordPress services I provide to UK businesses via Clearcut Derby.
Green Web Hosting
Site Speed Optimisation
Design and Build
Switching Theme
Optimised Content
I should hashtag more. Let's do a new #introduction (occasionally updated) :)
I'm both an old hand and new to modern #webDev. I coded my own homepages in notepad(++) as a teenager, and in 2022 I became a #careerSwitcher from electronic/general #engineering to #frontEndDevelopment.
Side projects on the go:
Dev blog RSS aggregator: https://rs.sjoy.lol
CSS Joy webring: https://cs.sjoy.lol
Whimsica11y, accessibility for hobbyists: https://whimsica11y.net
Revised #introduction, w/hashtags: I loved living in #SanFrancisco for decades, but moved back to #Brooklyn last year to be with my Sweetie. I'm a front-end #WebDev (#ReactJS, #NextJS) in the early stages of writing an #urbanFantasy novel (maybe 1st of 3?). I love languages and #linguistics; I speak some #Spanish, some #Japanese, and lots of #LangBelta from #TheExpanse. I love #Celtic stuff, #sushi, and #cocktails. I'm #bisexual, #Pagan, #feminist, and #progressive. I'm here to find new friends.
Thought I had an #intro post, but apparently not.
I’m Dave, a gay incel, former puzzle writer, current fat loser and piece of trash. Here are things I made before my brain went to shit due to the American medical system ruining me:
Puzzle blog: https://thegriddle.net
Homepage: https://davegoesthedistance.com
RPG map app: https://davesmapper.com
Tags: #indieweb #sudoku #osr #dnd #webdev #pencilpuzzles #gaysingle #nerd #linux #route66 #tacos