STUDY of hospitalized (HS) and non-hospitalized (NHS) #COVID19 survivors after two years:
“78% of HS and 62% of NHS reported at least one sequela symptom. Sequelae-symptoms, neurological outcomes, restrictive spirometry findings, and electrocardiogram abnormalities remained unchanged, although psychiatric sequelae, quality of life, and exercise capacity improved in both groups. Two or more vaccine doses decreased the risk of respiratory and psychiatric sequelae.”
Keep up to date on those #COVID19 vaccinations.
A STUDY of heart outcomes in cancer patients with COVID found that "COVID-19 vaccination was associated with a reduced risk of cardiac complications and cardiovascular events by 34% and 24%, respectively, after SARS-CoV-2 infection in patients with cancer."
"Omicron is milder."
STUDY of people infected with Omicron #COVID19 finds:
The odds of long COVID increased with reinfections: 2.592x higher for one reinfection and 6.171x higher for two or more.
7.8% experienced long COVID within one year, with 5.1% having persistent symptoms.
People w/ persistent long COVID had lower muscle strength, worse exercise capacity, poorer HRQoL, significantly higher proportions of abnormal lung function and lung imaging abnormalities.
Wife is entering week 4, I'm in week 3 of an 'unknown' virus that truly feels like a combination of noro and Covid. Reduced lung function, no appetite, incredible fatigue
She was tested for everything at ER with no conclusion. Now friends reporting they have this and are cancelling Spring Break trips.
Stay masked, stay safe - public health is asleep
I had to unfollow an account that I used to trust for #COVID19 info. It said the current level of COVID in wastewater is “unprecedented.”
COVID is bad enough without inflating risks. No one will listen to us when COVID risks are high if we say silly things like this when COVID is actually low (in aggregate) in the US.
I get it. COVID risks never disappear, but the accounts addicted to spreading fear rather than knowledge need to be rejected, IMO.
People thinking COVID-19 is harmless now should have a listen to the podcast from Quirks and Quarks
EEeeek wear a mask.
“If the Cubans are not there, we may not be able to run the service,” he said. “I will prefer to lose my visa than to have 60 poor and working people die.”
And last week, Jamaican Foreign Minister Kamina Johnson Smith told reporters her government views Cuban medics as vital.
“Their presence here is of importance to our healthcare system,” she said. There are 400 Cuban doctors, nurses and medical technicians currently working in the country.
This week, #Barbados’s Prime Minister Mia Mottley gave a fiery address to parliament, calling the US stance “unfair and unjustified”.
“We could not get through the pandemic without the Cuban nurses and the Cuban doctors,” she said.
Trinidad and Tobago’s prime minister, Keith Rowley, warned that US interference in #Caribbean healthcare decisions was unacceptable.
Caribbean leaders have hit back at a threat issued by the United States government to cancel visas for anyone working with or supporting Cuban medical facilities, citing allegations of forced labour and claiming these missions “enrich the Cuban regime”.
Cuban medical missions, which provide doctors, nurses and other medical staff as well as medical facilities, are critical to healthcare systems in the Caribbean.
Covid-19 pandemic memorial bench in Victoria Park in the west of Glasgow.
Da gehrade die Corona-Labortheorie-Sau durchs Dorf getrieben wird:
Prof. Fabian Leendertz vom #Helmholtz-Institut für #OneHealth hält es auf Basis bisheriger Daten für wahrscheinlich, dass #SARSCoV2 über #Zwischenwirte auf den Menschen übertragen wurde.
Falls neue Daten einen #Laborursprung untermauern, müssten diese erst wissenschaftlich geprüft werden.
#German foreign intelligence service in 2020 put at 80%-90% the likelihood that #coronavirus behind #COVID19 #pandemic was accidentally released from #China's Wuhan Institute of Virology, two German newspapers reported
According to report by Die Zeit and Sueddeutscher Zeitung, Germany's spying agency #BND had indications that the institute had conducted gain-of-function experiments, whereby #viruses are modified to become more transmissible to humans for research purposes
This week's three-minute update on #COVID19 conditions in the US:
- COVID has declined to low levels nationally
- The South and Midwest are at moderate viral risks
- 14 states are at very high or high viral activity
- Tomorrow is Long COVID Awareness Day, and some pertinent links are provided.
Good morning, y'all. 5 years ago today I did the first issue of CoronaBuzz, a daily newsletter for updates about covid. Over the next 2.5 years I indexed and tagged over 13,000 articles about covid-19 and its impacts around the world. I am still updating that dataset though much more slowly than I was.
The collection is part of ResearchBuzz Firehose. I have an article on how to explore, search, and monitor it here: . I hope you find it useful.
Eine Ökonomie des Krieges
Ein spannender Text aus Italien aus dem Jahr 2024 zur Polykrise und wie bestimmte Entwicklungen seit der Corona-Pandemie in die Militarisierung von Staaten und Transformationen zur Kriegswirtschaft übergegangen sind.
'Kasernenausdrücke wie „Wir sind an der Front“ oder „Hommage an die Kriegshelden“ wurden endlos wiederholt, ebenso wie die Wiederkehr veralteter patriotischer Rhetorik und Nationalhymnen auf Balkonen, die angesichts der prekären Gesundheitssituation ebenfalls nur von kurzer Dauer waren. Die menschenleeren Strassen erweckten den Eindruck einer Ausgangssperre, die bis zu einem gewissen Grad die wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse über die Entwicklung der Pandemie und die möglichen Lösungen zur Vorbeugung und Behandlung verdunkelte. Diese Massnahmen wurden in einen Rahmen gestellt, der an die Simulation einer Kriegssituation erinnerte.
Keep those #COVID19 vaccinations up to date!
STUDY: "The adjusted RR (95% CI) for developing persistent PCC compared with unvaccinated individuals was 0.81 (0.59-1.10) for 1 dose, 0.42 (0.35-0.52) for 2 doses, and 0.37 (0.27-0.52) for three doses."
Each dose lowers your risk of #LongCOVID.
“If we were to see immune damage manifesting at a population level, it would look like what we’re seeing today: big waves of common illnesses. Unusual spikes of uncommon illnesses. Course reversal for previously declining and eliminated illnesses. An unexplained, global wave of sickness.”
The latest example of a potential new variant evolving in a long-term chronic infection has been detected by the diligent work of those collecting and sequencing samples in South Africa.
As Ryan H describes on this thread, it is descended from the BA.3 lineage, which last in circulation about 3 years ago. So presumably it has been evolving in a chronic case since then, and recently managed to transmit to other people. The latest sample is from a different province and with one added Spike mutation (K356T).
#COVID19 #BA_3