Nice three hour arvo down the #allotment in the sun. Got our own compost spread over the two long raised beds, it made a better layer than I expected, and then there was enough municipal compost to cover one of them with an OK layer. This was mostly Kat's work. The beds are looking mighty fine now! Only took us 4 years.
I started moving the other two compost bays into the now spare bay, but there is too much fibrous stuff in there to use the spade, let alone shovel, so we'll need to take the fork to the plot for that.
I hoed the middle of the greenhouse space ahead of moving the content of the old new plot compost bays into there. That's the plan. Got a ramp in place.
And I have bunged both the buddleia and the lilac into holes either side of the back of the hexoctagonal shed, watered in well, covered in chip. They may live, they may die, but I've given them a chance at least.
Harvested mustard leaf, volunteer rocket, and radishes to go with our dinner tonight.