I read Otaku Vampire’s Love Bite, Vol. 3 by Julietta Suzuki. I really like this series. It’s not all cute and fun though, but has gloomier themes too.
V článku čtenář najde recenzi knihy Takové maličkosti, kterou napsala Claire Keeganová. Jedná se o zajímavé čtení.
@iwikpaskova @nakladatelstvi_prostor #recenze #knihy #kniha #clairekeegan #book #books #bookreview
“They want glory, greatness and empire; they want security not just for their nations, but for themselves,” he writes. “This is where the conflict emerged. By maintaining, even expanding, its sphere of influence, Washington was preventing Moscow and Beijing from creating their own.”
#authoritarianism #hegemony #InternationalRelations #BookReview #Asia #Russia #China #USpolitics #foreignaffairs
Review - A Gentle Noble's Vacation Recommendation, vol 3, by Misaki, Momochi & Sando: a lot of fun once more, mostly because of the interactions between characters. Rating: 4/5 ("really liked it").
Full review: https://breathesbooks.com/2025/03/17/review-a-gentle-nobles-vacation-recommendation-vol-3/
Linda reviews "The Wolf and His Alien" by A. Williams:
"This was a very short story, but nevertheless it was interesting. Lodon is to be the Alpha after his father is gone, and is supposed to find his fated mate, who apparently isn’t in his pack... 4 stars."
#SciFi #ScienceFiction #Paranormal #BookReview #GayRomance #MMBookstodon @MMbookstodon #Gay #LGBTQBookstodon @LGBTQBookstodon @diversebooks #bookstodon @bookstodon #books #Aliens #Werewolves
Is Savvy Summers, savvy enough to solve the murder of a cafe regular to prove her winning sweet potato pie is not actually to die for? Find out in novel #SavvySummer andTheSweetPotatoCrimes by #SandraJackson-Opoku due out this July. #BookReview #NetGalley #MinotaurBooks https://rellebellereads.com/read/savvy-summers-and-the-sweet-potato-crimes/
My review of Fagin the Thief by Allison Epstein in Shelf Awareness https://www.shelf-awareness.com/readers/2025-03-08/fagin_the_thief.html #books #BookReview #bookstodon
#CarelessPeople: A Story of Where I Used to Work by #SarahWynnWilliams review – a former disciple unfriends #Facebook
https://www.theguardian.com/books/2025/mar/16/careless-people-a-story-of-where-i-used-to-work-by-sarah-wynn-williams-review-a-former-disciple-unfriends-facebook #bookreview #newBook #memoir #nonfiction
Citation « Délivré » par Francesco VAIASUSO
#editionsdesbeatitudes #francescovaiasuso #delivre #demon #possession #liberte #catholique #italie #legion #famille #chef #priere #exorcisme #prince #mensonge #booktok #booktube #booklover #books #bookreview
ICYMI:Thrifty Thursday - The Last Necromancer by CJ Archer
#BookReview #ThriftyThursday #2.5Hearts #Necromancer
A Haunt for Owls by Matt Posey
#MattPosey #RedemptionPress @SnyderBridgeFour #KindleUnlimited #BookReview #4Hearts #western
I think I’ve found the perfect summer beach read. Definitely check out Sarah Penner’s upcoming book The Amalfi Curse. #bookreview #bookrecommendation #bookstadon #Italy #beachread #Positano #Amalficoast https://hollysreadingescapades.blogspot.com/2025/03/book-review-amalfi-curse-by-sarah.html?m=1
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A FEMINIST SURVIVAL THRILLER captures the tough existence of off-the-grid life in the Arizona desert, and the ways people of integrity stand up against brutality. Grim and cathartic. SOLID B
Biblio File column!
“The Goddess & The Pig” by Karen Gilden
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I mildly recommend The Forever War by Nick Bryant #book #books #bookreview
Review of "Disposable: America's Contempt for the Underclass" by Sarah Jones