The American "influencer" who snatched a baby wombat in Australia has apologized.
@AssociatedPress has an explainer about these furry, nocturnal marsupials:
The American "influencer" who snatched a baby wombat in Australia has apologized.
@AssociatedPress has an explainer about these furry, nocturnal marsupials:
Garça-branca-pequena/Snowy Egret
Egretta thula
#animal #animais #animals #fotografias #photo #foto #birdwatching #birding #fotos #BalnearioCamboriu #SantaCatarina #photography #bird #birds #Ave #aves #asavesqueeuencontro #patricianicoloso
What to know about the bird flu outbreak in wild birds and what it means for backyard bird feeders.
@AssociatedPress reports: "More than 170 species of North American wild birds have been infected with bird flu."
#workinprogress pics during the process of making a #painting for a lady in Hawaii, based on a photograph she took while scuba diving; msg me if you'd like some #artwork made based on your photos~~~
On World Serval Day read this story about how servals adapt to an industrialized landscape
By Juliette Portala
Sabiá-poca/Creamy-bellied Thrush
Turdus amaurochalinus
#animal #animais #animals #fotografias #photography #photograph #photo #photos #birding #birdwatching #santamaria #santamariars #riograndedosul #bird #birds #Ave #aves #asavesqueeuencontro #patricianicoloso
Scientists have combined passive acoustic monitoring, machine-learning tools and aerial surveys to estimate the population of North Atlantic right whales in Cape Cod Bay.
Using the method, researchers from Cornell University in the U.S. were able to estimate the daily population of the whales over a period of four months.
By Abhishyant Kidangoor
Narwhals may use their iconic tusks to play.
Science News reports on research showing "the Arctic whales poked and prodded a fish that isn't usually a part of their diet."
Why did the iguana cross the ocean?
Science News reports: The mystery of how iguanas crossed the Pacific Ocean may be solved.
Sabiá-laranjeira/Rufous-bellied Thrush
Turdus rufiventris
#animal #animais #animals #fotografias #photo #photograph #fotos #photos #birdwatching #birding #santamaria #santamariars #riograndedosul #bird #birds #Ave #aves #asavesqueeuencontro #patricianicoloso
4 works with a lot of earth tones in them, made by my friends Kriangsak, Jok aka Aphisan, Em aka Suphannee, and Baow; msg me if you like any of these & would like to inquire about it, all're affordable & easy to order
Das süße Häschen wartet auf den Frühling, oder auf Ostern, oder... auf dich!
Habt einen schönen Tag!
Warten auf dich - handgemaltes Aquarell
This cute bunny is waiting for spring, or for Easter, or... for you!
Have a lovely day!
Waiting for you - handmade watercolor painting
I think a western #PygmyPossum photo break is in order.
I've previously shared some landscapes from this place. But this is the view we woke up to. Some horses just peacefully walking around grazing. Such a tranquil scene (somewhere in Carpathians, Ukraine).
Canário-da-terra/Saffron Finch
Sicalis flaveola
#animal #animais #animals #fotografias #photography #photograph #photo #photos #birding #birdwatching #santamaria #santamariars #riograndedosul #bird #birds #Ave #aves #asavesqueeuencontro #patricianicoloso