Regardons un film en streaming ce soir. Let’s stream a movie tonight. #movies #films in #French. #languages. #FrenchLessons:

Regardons un film en streaming ce soir. Let’s stream a movie tonight. #movies #films in #French. #languages. #FrenchLessons:
Regardons un film à la maison. Let’s watch the movie at home. #movies #films in #French. #languages. #FrenchLessons:
On peut dire que les langues font partie de ma vie. Elles ont modelé mon parcours scolaire, ma vie professionnelle, familiale, bref sans les langues étrangères je ne serais pas qui je suis aujourd'hui.
Et pourtant rien ne m'y predestinait. J'ai grandi en France, dans une famille monolingue, dans une région où la diversité linguistique et culturelle étaient presque inexistantes.
Toi aussi tu peux parler une autre langue couramment !
Will you be able to understand this week's recap in fast-spoken, colloquial French
This month, we’re talking about pregnancy, motherhood, parenting.
Lots of everyday slang, idioms, as always in context, through real life stories.
You need to be at least B1 in French to listen to my podcast #languages #french #podcast
So I saw this image and my high school French knowledge kicked in...
based on French grammar rules, shouldn't "Fake News" be more like "les News Fakes"?
Je ne vois rien du tout ! Ce type m’empêche de voir. I can’t see a thing! This guy is blocking my view. #movies #films in #French. #languages. #FrenchLessons:
Il lit tout le temps. He reads all the time. #French #vocabulary for describing people. #Languages #LanguageLearning. Learn more here:
Je dois aller aux toilettes mais je ne veux rien rater ! I have to go to the bathroom but I don’t want to miss anything! #movies #films in #French. #languages. #FrenchLessons: @EUCommission
@stux @EUCommission
@realDonaldTrump : we don't f**ing care !
We will drink and buy twice #french #champagne , #spanish #cava , and #european #wines, and keep them for us !
Let them just pay 200% of the current price, if they wish to get awesome products.
I commit myself to buying more #european #liquids !
️Let's all fight on this together
#Europeans ! Let's fight this and drink together !
@stux @EUCommission
@realDonaldTrump : we don't f**ing care !
We'll buy and drink twice our production of #french #champagne, #spanish #cava and #european #wines !
Let them pay the 200% majoration for our awesome products. Who cares ?
#Europeans ! Let's all commit ourselves to buy more and drink together our #UE #wines #champagnes / #cavas productions ! ️
@realDonaldTrump : we don't f**ing care !
We will drink and buy twice #french #champagne , #spanish #cava , and #european #wines, and keep them for us !
Let them just pay 200% of the current price, if they wish to get awesome products.
I commit myself to buying more #european #spirits !
️Let's all fight on this together
#Europeans ! Let's fight this and drink together !
Chut ! Le film commence. Be quiet! The movie’s starting. #movies #films in #French. #languages. #FrenchLessons:
Many common #French expressions use the verb avoir: avoir raison (to be right), avoir froid (to be cold), avoir faim (to be hungry) and many others. #FrenchGrammar #FrenchVerbs #languages. Learn much more here:
#OEWeek25 #Today #Soon "Optimiser la conception adaptative des Ressources Éducatives Libres (REL) avec l’IA"
12:30 (UTC) Hosts: Université de York
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Elle pratique de nombreux sports. She plays a lot of sports. #French #vocabulary for describing people. #Languages #LanguageLearning. Learn more here:
Il y a trop de monde dans la salle. The cinema is too crowded. #movies #films in #French. #languages. #FrenchLessons:
Il aime rester à la maison. He likes to stay home. #French #vocabulary for describing people. #Languages #LanguageLearning. Learn more here:
Ces gens parlent trop fort ! Those people are talking too loud! #movies #films in #French. #languages. #FrenchLessons:
Get on the road to a new #language! $55/hr private, under $20/hr small group, great teachers, #free resources. #Chinese #English #ESL #French #German #Italian #Japanese #Korean #Portuguese #Russian #Spanish #Swahili #LanguageLearning #languages