Basic bee facts every day at 3pm.
# 73
The species of bumblebee that inhabit more tropical parts of the world - where the growing season is long - can have colony cycles of up to two years and nests containing up to 2000 bees at any one time.
Basic bee facts every day at 3pm.
# 72
Arctic #bumblebees have adapted to (up to now!) a short cool flowering season.
They have large first broods of about 16 female workers that forage continuously all day and overnight during bright #arctic nights.
Not in Vegas baby.
Not in Vegas.
Basic bee facts every day at 3pm.
# 71
# 70 contd.
Carrying heavy pollen loads on the legs makes #bumblebee flight more stable in windy conditions; but in calm weather bees with nectar-full honey stomachs are more nimble than those carrying pollen loads.
Favorite photo from Chicago a few yrs ago. Had recently purchased a Nikon 40mm macro lens which is also an excellent street lens. This trip I decided to restrict myself to the the 40mm only. It was a great challenge and I learned a lot.
Have you seen the pollen baskets on this hard working bumble?
Who cares about late when I bring you such wonders. On a regular basis. A very regular basis. All the time. Every day. For free…for free?…wait a second…
Basic bee facts every day at 3pm.
# 70
Bumblebees transport pollen in ‘baskets’ on their hind legs and nectar in their honeystomach. They can carry their body weight in nectar and up to 90% of their body weight in pollen. What they carry affects how they fly.
It’s the sunshine.
Has me in a positive demeanour.
Things starting to move about the place.
Colours returning.
Birds singing.
The odd hum of wings on the breeze.
It’s life Jim, but not as we know it…much anymore.
Basic bee facts every day at 3pm.
# 69
If you are lucky enough to have #solitarybees in your garden - LOOK AFTER THEM!
They build small solitary nests in cavities in the ground/timber/walls, fly for only a few weeks, don’t swarm and are superb #pollinators.
Basic bee facts every day at 3pm.
# 68
With #bumblebees the size of the colony is in part determined by the length of the growing season in the region they inhabit.
In regions with shorter forage growing seasons smaller colonies tend to be maintained.
Good afternoon!
The beautiful solution.
Not a billionaire in sight.
Take a moment.
The Bee Sanctuary of Ireland.
You know that spring is finding its way into the year when bumble bee queens are floating all around your garden.
Basic bee facts every day at 3pm.
# 67
Depending on species and global location, worker #bumblebees - who are all female - only live for between 2 and 6 weeks.
Those workers who perform in-nest duties tend to live longer than their foraging counterparts.
#climate #sanctuary
This little bee drawing was added to my shop this week. No collector has snapped it up yet. It's been a quiet week for me so far...
#FediGiftShop #ScottishArtist #MastoArt #CreativeToots
#Bees #Poppies #OriginalArt #Drawing #PenAndInk #ColourPencil #MixedMedia #Artwork #TraditionalArtist #ShopIndy #GiftIdeas #ArtShop #MothersDay #MothersDayGift
This photo from yesterday gave me a smile. I thought I’d caught the #bee on the meadowsweet. #BloomScrolling #bees